Capital Funding

The capital grant funding is utilised to preserve and enhance the character and appearance of the Blaenavon Conservation Area. This includes undertaking conservation sensitive repairs to eligible historic buildings and where possible to bring empty properties back into use whilst protecting and enhancing the fabric and character of historic buildings.

Eligible works include new slate roof tiles, cast iron rain water goods, conservation sensitive windows and shop fronts and lime rendering.

There is a predetermined list of properties identified for grant consideration based on position, condition and the building owner’s commitment to match fund their project during Torfaen CBC’s development of the programme.

Due to Covid, the programme was extended from its original completion date of September 2023, to September 2024.

Bethlehem Chapel

Bethlehem Chapel is a Grade II Listed building which has seen the main congregation area closed for a decade.

The required statutory permissions, contractor tendering and application submission were provided which allowed the THP grant to be approved in December 2018 with the applicants match funding their renovation scheme from the Rural Development Programme (RDP) Wales.

The scheme began in January 2019 and completed in September 2019.

The THP allocated funding to support the external envelope works which included new roof, rainwater goods, like-for-like window frame and door replacements, and lime rendering and complementary consolidation repairs to stonework parapet and side extension walls and overhauling the entrance portico. Energy efficiency contributions from the THP included conservation sensitive double glazed window units and sheep’s wool insulation in the roof space allowing for a more energy efficient building. There were also internal renovations and energy efficiency measure funded by the RDP. The project is allowing the whole building to be brought back into long term sustainable use for the community in the heart of Broad Street.

Bethlehem Chapel External ViewBethlehem Chapel Internal View

HM Stores

HM Stores, 1 Market Street was formally a butcher shop and became Morgan’s corner stores, a grocery shop. in the late 20th century

Market Street was originally created in 1840 as the first covered market in Blaenavon by John Griffith Williams.

The required statutory permissions, contractor tendering, and application submission were provided which allowed the THP grant to be approved in May 2020

The scheme began in July 2020.

The THP has allocated funding to support the external envelope works which included new roof, rainwater goods, window frames and door replacements, lime rendering and new signage.

The project is allowing the whole building to be brought back into long term sustainable use for the local business at a key location within Blaenavon.

Exterior view of HM Stores, showing new signage and door replacement

The Hwb

69-70 Broad Steet The Hwb, previously known as The Doorway.

This building consists of two former shop buildings. Number 69 operated as a confectionary shop, a grocers’, a tea dealers’, and a ladies’ fashion shop. Number 70 operated as a Chemist, Dentist, Druggist, and a grocery. This building now provides services for young people.

The required statutory permissions, contractor tendering, and application submission were provided which allowed the THP grant to be approved in January 2021.

The scheme began in April 2021.

The THP has allocated funding to support the external envelope works which has included new roof, rainwater goods, window frames and door replacements, lime rendering, new signage, and rear garden youth shelter.

The project will provide a valuable long term sustainable space, including a rear garden youth shelter, for the young people of Blaenavon.

The below photos show the detailed glass design above the new entrance and the new hanging sign.

Exterior view of The Hwb, showing new signage and detailed glass design above the new entrance


24 Broad Street.

This building was formerly a very popular butchers, E.J. Morris buildings and more recently a catering business, Sugarloaf Catering.

The required statutory permissions, contractor tendering, and application submission were provided which allowed the THP grant to be approved in January 2023.

The scheme began in March 2023 and due to complete September 2024.

The THP has allocated funding to support the internal and external envelope works which has included upgrading of basement area, access to the upper residential unit, new roof, rainwater goods, new ‘shop frontage’ window frames and door replacements, lime rendering and new signage.

The project will provide this new business with revitalised premises, which is located within the ‘heart of the town.

The below photos show the building before work began and now as it is currently being completed.

Before and during work photos of Munchies (24 Broad Street)

The Market Tavern

88-89 Broad Street.

The Market Tavern, 88-89 Broad Street, was built in the 1850’s and has operated under this name either as a tavern or public house.

The required statutory permissions, contractor tendering, and application submission were provided which allowed the THP grant to be approved in June 2023.

The scheme began in July 2023 and due to be completed October 2024.

The THP has allocated funding to support external and internal envelope works. The works has included a major refit internally with new floors and walls creating a new internal layout to accommodate two commercial units and five residential properties. The extensive external works has included new roof, rainwater goods, window frames and door replacements, new ‘shop front’, lime rendering and new signage.

The project is allowing the whole building to be brought back into long term sustainable use for the local business at a key location within Blaenavon.

This photo, depicts the work currently being carried out on the Market Tavern and the completed work on HM Stores, improving a major section of Broad Street.

Before and after photos of The Market Tavern