
Fel ymateb i siop y cwmni, a’r arferion gwerthu anonest mewn rhai siopau, fe weithiodd pobl Blaenafon gyda’i gilydd a ffurfio cydweithfeydd. Roedd y rhain yn cynnig nwyddau a gwasanaethau o ansawdd am bris teg i’w haelodau. Sefydlwyd y cyntaf ym Mlaenafon ym 1861 pan agorwyd siop y ‘cop’ yn Broad Street. Roedd y cynlluniau hyn yn seiliedig ar Egwyddorion Rochdale (1844), a oedd yn cynnwys:

  • aelodaeth wirfoddol
  • rheolaeth ddemocratig
  • difidendau (rhan o’r elw)
  • hyrwyddo addysg

Cafwyd rhai ymdrechion aflwyddiannus, ond, erbyn dechrau'r 20fed ganrif, roedd siopau cydweithredol yn ffynnu ym Mlaenafon. Roedd canghennau'n gweithredu o gwmpas y dref, yn darparu nwyddau, dodrefn, yswiriant, treuliau angladd a hyd yn oed gynlluniau tai fforddiadwy i aelodau.

Ar ôl fethu ddwywaith ym Mlaenafon, mae dynion dewr Blaenafon wedi sefydlu cydweithfa eto... Yn America, pan fydd siop yn cael ei llosgi i lawr, mae ceidwad y siop yn mynd o amgylch â basged yn gynnar yn y bore, ac yn codi'r holl hoelion sydd heb doddi; ac erbyn amser brecwast mae wedi eu gyrru i mewn i estyll llawr newydd, ac yn dechrau busnes eto'r noson honno. Fel hyn y mae hi gyda dynion a menywod blaengar ac anorchfygol Blaenafon, sy'n prynu yn y siop newydd gyda mwy o frwdfrydedd nag erioed.(Cyfieithiad)

George Holyoake, Co-operative News a Journal of Associated Industry, Cyf. 21, Rhif 20, 17 Mai 1890

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  • In the early 1890s, the Blaenavon Industrial and Provident Society (Co-operative Society) took over Ivor House, the former grocery business of David Lewis, one of Blaenavon’s earliest shopkeepers (Acknowledgment: Blaenavon Community Museum)
  • The Ivor Street stores burned down in 1899 and had to be rebuilt. Here is the new building in c.1902 (Acknowledgment: Blaenavon Community Museum)
  • Another devastating fire in August 1918 destroyed the co-operative stores. It stood as a burned-out shell for the next ten years. It was rebuilt in 1928 (Acknowledgment: Pat Morgan Collection)
  • The new co-operative stores, built by John Morgan, were opened in 1928 (Acknowledgment: Pat Morgan Collection)
  • The Blaenavon Industrial and Provident Society Ltd. celebrated its Golden Jubilee (50th anniversary) with a concert at the Workmen’s Hall in 1939. Souvenir cups and trays were given to local members (some of which can be seen in the Blaenavon Community Mu
  • Members of the Co-operative Society could also take part in social activities, including day trips (Acknowledgment: Blaenavon Community Museum)
  • The co-operative, like many of Blaenavon’s businesses, offered a horse and cart delivery service to its customers (Acknowledgment: Blaenavon Community Museum)
  • The co-operative building is now known as Church View, part of which still contains a co-operative store (Acknowledgment: N.A. Matthews)